Module 5 focuses on ways that nurses can address health inequities that people may experience in accessing VBD preventive measures, treatment and/or support. This includes building culturally appropriate partnerships with people affected by VBDs and engaging in advocacy to influence decision-makers who determine VBD regulations and guidelines.

Learning outcomes for this module:

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe health inequities that may be faced by individuals, families, communities, and populations related to VBDs.
  • Describe culturally appropriate advocacy strategies to promote equitable access to care for VBDs and address care delivery gaps.
  • Understand strategies for engaging in culturally safe partnerships with affected individuals, families, communities, and populations to address VBDs.
  • Reflect critically upon current regulations and public policies related to VBDs.
  • Describe advocacy strategies to shape policy related to climate change and VBDs in partnership with interprofessional and intersectoral partners, and clients affected by VBD’s.
  • Demonstrate awareness of nursing position statements, policies, guidelines, practice standards and processes related to the quality of VBD care.
  • Understand strategies to influence decision-makers at all levels of government, and within the global context to address climate change and mitigate its adverse effects.

Time Requirement

This module is comprised of 7 lessons and will take about 3 hours to complete.

  • Lesson 1 addresses VBD and health inequities.

  • Lesson 2 introduces how nurses can advocate for equitable care.

  • Lesson 3 explores how nurses can foster culturally safe engagement with people living with VBD.

  • Lesson 4 addresses VBD regulation in Canada and how to develop policy awareness.

  • Lesson 5 explores how to advocate for integrated VBD policy.

  • Lesson 6 introduces nursing standards and policy awareness related to VBD.

  • Lesson 7 provides direction on how nurses can Influence climate change policy.



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Are you looking to learn more about climate-driven vector-borne disease?


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Module 5 focuses on ways that nurses can address health inequities that people may experience in accessing VBD preventive measures, treatment and/or support. This includes building culturally appropriate partnerships with people affected by VBDs and engaging in advocacy to influence decision-makers who determine VBD regulations and guidelines.

Learning outcomes for this module:

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe health inequities that may be faced by individuals, families, communities, and populations related to VBDs.
  • Describe culturally appropriate advocacy strategies to promote equitable access to care for VBDs and address care delivery gaps.
  • Understand strategies for engaging in culturally safe partnerships with affected individuals, families, communities, and populations to address VBDs.
  • Reflect critically upon current regulations and public policies related to VBDs.
  • Describe advocacy strategies to shape policy related to climate change and VBDs in partnership with interprofessional and intersectoral partners, and clients affected by VBD’s.
  • Demonstrate awareness of nursing position statements, policies, guidelines, practice standards and processes related to the quality of VBD care.
  • Understand strategies to influence decision-makers at all levels of government, and within the global context to address climate change and mitigate its adverse effects.

Time Requirement

This module is comprised of 7 lessons and will take about 3 hours to complete.

  • Lesson 1 addresses VBD and health inequities.

  • Lesson 2 introduces how nurses can advocate for equitable care.

  • Lesson 3 explores how nurses can foster culturally safe engagement with people living with VBD.

  • Lesson 4 addresses VBD regulation in Canada and how to develop policy awareness.

  • Lesson 5 explores how to advocate for integrated VBD policy.

  • Lesson 6 introduces nursing standards and policy awareness related to VBD.

  • Lesson 7 provides direction on how nurses can Influence climate change policy.



Are you looking to use this e-resource as part of your curriculum?


Are you looking to learn more about climate-driven vector-borne disease?


Are you interested in professional development?