**The views expressed in the content below do not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) or the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). As this is a living document, CASN recognizes that content reflected in the links below may require updating as new evidence emerges.

E-Resource Infographics

CASN Climate Change and Nursing Webinars

Online Courses

Toolkits, Posters and Fact Sheets


Position Statements, Reports and Guidelines

Provincial Resources


Canadian Vector-Borne Disease Initiatives & Projects

US Vector-Borne Disease Groups, Initiatives & Projects

Indigenous Resources

Patient Advocacy Groups

**The views expressed in the content below do not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) or the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). As this is a living document, CASN recognizes that content reflected in the links below may require updating as new evidence emerges.

E-Resource Infographics

CASN Climate Change and Nursing Webinars

Online Courses

Toolkits, Posters and Fact Sheets


Position Statements, Reports and Guidelines

Provincial Resources


Canadian Vector-Borne Disease Initiatives & Projects

US Vector-Borne Disease Groups, Initiatives & Projects

Indigenous Resources

Patient Advocacy Groups